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Here we will dive into the complexities of relationships, discussing how shared laughter can change our interactions and the future of the relationship between humans and animals.
Please note that this event will discuss human and animal rights.
Please note that this event will discuss human and animal rights.
Shared Laughter to Manage Relationship Work During Delicate Interactional Moments
Yanyan Li
(PhD Student)
Humour triggers laughter and can help establish interpersonal relationships. Specifically, laughter is a collective behaviour. However, when people share laughter on the humour, it does not always bear positive implications, as people can impose serious treatments to the humour afterwards. This project takes a detailed look at the spontaneous human interaction where people share laughter to deal with humour. It is found that people can share laughter in a delayed or silent manner to temporarily attend to relationships without overtly resisting the delicate humorous teasing.
The Future of Human and Animal Rights
William Gildea
(PhD Student)
What should the future of human-animal relations look like? This interactive session introduces the puzzle of animal and human rights, which is that surprisingly, human rights and animal rights may stand or fall together. Is this right? Where would animal rights leave the idea of human uniqueness? You will consider the puzzles, the arguments, and the thought experiments to set out how you think humans and animals should relate in future.
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