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Identifying and challenging online prejudice
Dr Simon Goodman
(Research Fellow)
The personal views and opinions posted online can cause a negative and lasting impact upon an individual or group of people, especially if these posts are viewed as prejudicial or unreasonable. Simon will examine online posts that are arguably prejudicial, showing that while prejudice is problematic, in specific cases it can be presented as acceptable and justified. Can alternative interpretations of prejudicial comments be given, and how can we challenge prejudice online without getting ourselves in to trouble?”
AI - helpful or harmful to society?
Dr Dorian Florescu
(Research Associate)
Elon Musk, CEO at Tesla, predicts that artificial intelligence (AI) will overtake human intelligence by 2060, but is there no research bottleneck to prevent this? An important AI model is the artificial neural network, used for applications such as self-driving cars and healthcare diagnostics, but it is largely based on a neuron model developed in 1943. Recent neuroscience advances show that biological neurons have a completely different functioning principle, so Dorian will explore whether this is one of the missing pieces to advancing AI, and assess the risks and benefits of AI to society
(Internet of) things that go bump in the night
Dr James Shuttleworth
(Principal Lecturer)
Technology is king in our smartphone and connected world. In fact, we can do "virtually" anything from our phones now, including shopping, banking, gaming, social or business networking and much more. But is it always as rosy as we think? Join James to discuss the social and technical security issues raised by the rapid increase in consumer and industrial devices connected to the internet.
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