© Pint of Science, 2025. All rights reserved.
Bummed out about your imperfections? You shouldn't be! Come and learn how they helped you develop as a child and how changing your attitude towards them can help you grow in the future. This venue serves pies and bar snacks, and is fully accessible.
Developing a flexible mind: why making mistakes can be a good thing
Dr Emma Blakey
(Department of Psychology)
If you have ever been around a young child, you will know they find it hard to think flexibly and it's often impossible to control their behaviour. Our research has shown that surprisingly, before children can become fully flexible, they actually make more mistakes as they develop. Come and find out more about flexible thinking, how we measure it, and learn why in development, making mistakes can be a good thing!
The power of being kind and loving your imperfections
Sandy Belle Rosales Cadena
(Researcher, Psychology)
What would you tell your best friend if she comes to you feeling really bad because she put on a few pounds? Would you be critical and harsh? Or would you be tender and gentle? I bet you chose to be tender. Then why not treat yourself the same way? Come along, have a pint, and learn how you can benefit from treating yourself kindly and lovingly.
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Other Sheffield Tap events
Mind over Chatter
Sheffield Tap
1b, Sheffield Station, Sheffield, S1 2BP, United Kingdom
Psychiatry and Me: perspectives on the mind
Sheffield Tap
1b, Sheffield Station, Sheffield, S1 2BP, United Kingdom