
University of Sheffield

Sheffield Tap
1b, Sheffield Station, Sheffield, S1 2BP, United Kingdom
2024-05-13 A bit of a mouthful! Sheffield Tap 1b, Sheffield Station, Sheffield, S1 2BP, United Kingdom
13 May

A bit of a mouthful!

lips 33105 1280
2024-05-14 Lets get physics-al! Sheffield Tap 1b, Sheffield Station, Sheffield, S1 2BP, United Kingdom
14 May

Lets get physics-al!

Body 31 Running Skeleton
2024-05-15 The Quest for a cure: adventures in future medicine Sheffield Tap 1b, Sheffield Station, Sheffield, S1 2BP, United Kingdom
99 Mary St
Sheffield City Centre, Sheffield, S1 4RT, United Kingdom
2024-05-13 Feminism: from Medieval drama to menstrual data 99 Mary St Sheffield City Centre, Sheffield, S1 4RT, United Kingdom
2024-05-14 Understanding language in the 21st century 99 Mary St Sheffield City Centre, Sheffield, S1 4RT, United Kingdom
2024-05-15 Mocktails and chemtrails 99 Mary St Sheffield City Centre, Sheffield, S1 4RT, United Kingdom
The Lescar
303 Sharrow Vale Rd, Sheffield, S11 8ZF, United Kingdom
2024-05-13 Echoes and Shadows The Lescar 303 Sharrow Vale Rd, Sheffield, S11 8ZF, United Kingdom
13 May
Sold Out!

Echoes and Shadows

BeautMind Mon
2024-05-14 The Mind's Playground The Lescar 303 Sharrow Vale Rd, Sheffield, S11 8ZF, United Kingdom
14 May
Sold Out!

The Mind's Playground

beautmind wed 1
2024-05-15 The science of ageing: Unveiling the Mysteries of Ageing and Longevity The Lescar 303 Sharrow Vale Rd, Sheffield, S11 8ZF, United Kingdom
Alder Bar
Unit 111, J C Albyn Complex, Percy St, Neepsend, Sheffield, S3 8BT, United Kingdom
2024-05-13 Artificial brains diagnosing drains (and disease!) Alder Bar Unit 111, J C Albyn Complex, Percy St, Neepsend, Sheffield, S3 8BT, United Kingdom
2024-05-14 AI hidden in plain sight Alder Bar Unit 111, J C Albyn Complex, Percy St, Neepsend, Sheffield, S3 8BT, United Kingdom
14 May
Sold Out!

AI hidden in plain sight

ai med
2024-05-15 Healthy bodies of the future Alder Bar Unit 111, J C Albyn Complex, Percy St, Neepsend, Sheffield, S3 8BT, United Kingdom
15 May
Sold Out!

Healthy bodies of the future